GSM(2G-2.5G) Structure (BSS)
GSM Structure
Base Station System : BSS
- Base Station Controller (BSC)
- Base Transceiver Station (BTS)
- Transcoding and Rate Adaption Unit (TRAU) orTranscoding and Sub-Multiplexing (TCSM)
- Base Transceiver Station (BTS)
- Transcoding and Rate Adaption Unit (TRAU) orTranscoding and Sub-Multiplexing (TCSM)
Base Transceiver Station (BTS) BTS contains the equipment for transmitting and receiving of radio signals (between BSC and MS), antennas, equipment for modulation, encrypting and decrypting communications with the BSC. BTS can do Local Maintenance and Self Test by non connecting to BSC.
Transcoding and Rate Adaption Unit (TRAU) TRAU, inserted between the BSC and MSC, enables speech compression and data rate adaptation within the radio cellular network. The TRAU is designed to reduce transmission costs by minimizing transmission resources between the BSC and MSC. This is achieved by reducing the number of PCM links going to the BSC, since four traffic channels can be handled by one PCM time slot.